

Due to the degree of complexity and scope of the task of evolving 2nd to 3rd Generation Medicine, for each Area, Area Fellows are formed as an advisory group or “Directorate.” These comprise experienced members of the 3GML and the community represented by the Area. The specific name and the details of the role for each group differ from Area to Area, but primary intent is that these groups specifically assist Area Fellows(s), with the review of specifications produced in the Area. Directorates which cover an entire Area, such as the Biomedical Signals Processing Directorate which covers the 3GMBSP Area, assist the Area Fellow with reviews of requests for standards and of specifications. Some directorates are however focused on a specific technology or industry activity, such as the Medical Payments & Reimbursement Directorate. These span across Areas and do not typically review standards or specifications produced in any particular Area. 

NFIM’s 3GML is currently comprised of 7 permanent Area Directorates: 

• Biomedical Signal Processing

• Medical Sensor Systems

• Medical Computation & Bioinformatics

• Medical Information & Intelligence

• Diagnostics & Treatment Modalities

• Integrative Medicine Practice

• Market Viability & Go to Market

Integrative Medicine and Solution-Drafts Directory

During the development of a specification, draft versions of the document are made available for informal review and comment by placing them in the Task Forces's "IMS-Ds" directory, which is replicated on other 3GML hosts. The intent is to make an evolving working document readily available to a wide audience, facilitating the process of review and revision. 

IMS-Ds that have been removed (for any reason) from the IMS-d directory shall be archived by the 3GML Secretariat for the sole purpose of preserving a historical record of 3GML standards activity and thus are not retrievable except in special circumstances. 

The RFC Editor

May be one or more individuals (or organizations), responsible for the mechanics of RFC publication and for upholding technical and editorial standards.

Integrative Medicine and Solution Monthly Report (IMSMR)

The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by the participating organizations. Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee (NomCom) is comprised of at least one chair, 10 voting volunteers, 2-3 liaisons, and an advisor, with the NomCom Chair being appointed between the first and second meetings of the year, and with the incoming NomCom officially beginning work once the selected volunteers are seated following volunteer solicitation, random selection and community review time periods. Details of selection and the operation of the NomCom can be found in the document RFC 0003, “3GML and M3SG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall Process: Operation of the Nominating and Recall Committees.” 

Recall Committee

Anyone may request the recall of any sitting 3GML or M3SG member, at any time, upon written (email is acceptable) request with justification to the NFIM President. The NFIM President then decides if he wants to form a recall committee and appoint a Recall Committee Chair. The recall committee is created according to the same rules as is the NomCom with the qualifications that the person being investigated and the person requesting the recall must not be a member of the recall committee in any capacity. The recall committee operates according to the same rules as the nominating committee with the qualification that there is no confirmation process.


3GML Chair

The appointed 3GML chair, who is also chair of the M3SG, is responsible for approving other M3SG candidates put forward by the 3GML nominating committee. If an individual should disagree with an action taken by the M3SG in the standards process, that person should first discuss the issue with the MS3G Chair.

Executive Director

The formal point of contact for matters concerning any and all aspects of the Integrative Medicine and Solutions Standards process. Responsible for maintaining formal public record of the standards process.

Area Fellow(s)

Within the 3GML, work is divided into seven primary Areas, matching directly to the 7 Elements of 3rd Generational Medicine, with each Area composed of an unrestricted number of Working Groups falling within the focus of that Area, though often with relation to one or more other Area. Area Fellows, who are selected by the NomCom, work independently or advised by one or more Directorate in the handling of the primary task of management of their Area as defined by the 3GMSG. 


Consultants have specific technical background appropriate to the 3GML and its organizations with experience useful to Integrative Medicine research, development, and deployment and 3GML process. 

Secretariat Archive

As a practical matter, the formal record of all Integrative Medicine and Solution Standards Process activities is maintained by the 3GML Secretariat, and is the responsibility of the 3GML Secretariat except that each 3GML organization is expected to maintain their own email list archive and must make a best effort to ensure that all traffic is captured and included in the archives. The Secretariat Archive also includes copies of claims of rights made available for publication, any assurances of licenses made available, results of attempts made to obtain general licenses, and documented permissions to use proprietary rights.