Standards Board

The 3GML provides oversight of the process used to create Integrative Medicine and Solutions Standards and serves as an appeal board for complaints of improper execution of the standards process detailed in the document, “The Integrative Medicine Solution Standards Process.” In general, the 3GML acts as a source of advice to the Task Force, the NFIM, and the NFIM Board of Trustees, concerning technical, architectural, procedural, and policy matters pertaining to integrative medicine solutions. 

The way in which the members of the NFIM Board of Trustees are selected, and other matters concerning the operation of the NFIM, are described in the NFIM By Laws. The members of the 3GML are nominated by a nominations committee (the Nomcom), and are approved by the NFIM board.

Collectively, The Standards Board is responsible for ratifying the procedures and rules of the integrative medicine and solutions standards process.

Standards Process

The Integrative Medicine and Solution Standards process is an activity of the National Foundation for Integrative Medicine (NFIM) that is organized and managed on behalf of the Integrative Medicine and Solutions community by the 3rd Generation Medicine Lab! (3GML) and the Medicine 3.0 Steering Group (M3SG).

Standards Archive

Each of the organizations involved in the development and approval of Integrative Medicine and Solution Standards shall publicly announce, and shall maintain a publicly accessible record of, every activity in which it engages, to the extent that the activity represents the prosecution of any part of Integrative Medicine and Solution Standards Process. For purposes of this section, the organizations involved in the development and approval of Integrative Medicine and Solution Standards includes the Task Force (excluding the Research Group) and the National Foundation for Integrative Medicine Board of Trustees.